Emergency (same day) referral


  • Patients with headache and/or vomiting with papilloedema


Urgent suspicion of cancer referral

  • Neurological deficit:
    • Progressive neurological deficit (including personality, cognitive or behavioural change) in the absence of previously diagnosed or suspected alternative disorders (such as multiple sclerosis or dementia)
  • Seizure:
    • Any new seizure
    • Seizures which change in character such as post–ictal deficit, headache, increased frequency, etc.


Good practice Points

  • Consider urgent investigation/referral for patients with non-migrainous headaches of recent onset, when accompanied by “red flag” features suggestive of raised intra cranial pressure (for example: woken by headache; vomiting; drowsiness), progressive neurological deficit or new seizure disorder
  • All NHS Boards have pathways for investigation of headaches which should include primary care direct access to imaging
  • If any uncertainty about the presence of papilloedema, the person should be urgently referred to an optometrist for assessment. If there are red-flags suspicious of cancer as detailed above, a simultaneous
    urgent suspicion of cancer referral to secondary care should be made. If papilloedema is confirmed, the optometrist should refer directly to secondary care
  • An urgent, suspicion of cancer pathway should exist in all NHS Boards for optometrists to refer directly to secondary care for people with optic discs suspicious of papilloedema
Full Guideline